Our Constitution

Tandridge Photographic Society is a member of The Surrey Photographic Association, and is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, via the Surrey Photographic Association.

The Society’s meetings take place on Thursday evenings during the season, which runs from early September through until mid-June. Visitors are welcome at Society Meetings. The fee, to include refreshments, will be as advertised by the Society.

Rules of the Society

1 Name

1.1 The name of the Society shall be the ‘Tandridge Photographic Society’.

2 Object

2.1 To study and promote all aspects of Photography.

3 Subscriptions

3.1 Annual Subscriptions shall be fixed by the Committee from time to time, any alteration to be confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting. Junior members (over 14 and under 18 years of age on the 1st September) will be offered a reduced subscription rate.

3.2 Subscriptions shall be due on the 1st September.

3.3 Any member three months in arrears may be removed from the register.

4 Membership

4.1 Membership shall be open to all on payment of the subscription, as set by the Committee.

5 Officers

5.1 Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of members and shall consist of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

5.2 The Treasurer shall expedite collection of subscriptions, handle all moneys due to the Society, pay all visiting speakers and make payments authorized by the committee. A statement of accounts shall be drawn up to 30th April, and presented at the Annual General Meeting in May.

5.3 Cheques drawn on the society’s banking account may be signed by any two of the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

5.4 The Secretary shall record minutes of all Committee and General Meetings, conduct the Society’s correspondence and keep an up-to-date register of members’ names and contact details.

6 Committee

6.1 A Committee consisting of the Officers, and other members in the ratio of one for each ten members of the Society (with a minimum of three) elected at the Annual General Meeting shall manage the affairs of the Society. Four members shall form a quorum.

6.2 The Committee shall fill any vacancy that may arise and may co-opt in an advisory capacity any member.

6.3 All questions shall be decided by a majority vote.

6.4 The Committee shall be authorized to deal with any contingency not provided for in the Rules.

6.5 Members of the Committee on vacating office at the Annual General Meeting shall be eligible for re-election.

7 Annual General Meeting

7.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held during the month of May. Nominations for office and requests for the agenda must be submitted to the Secretary not later than 14 days before the AGM.

7.2 The agenda to be circulated to members not later than 7 days before the meeting.

8 Extraordinary Meetings

8.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be convened by the Committee and shall be convened if a petition signed by ten full members is received by the Secretary.

8.2 Twenty-one days’ notice of such meeting must be given stating the nature of the special business. At such a meeting no other business shall be discussed.

9 Competition and exhibition entries

9.1 The copyright of all entries and submitted work, including full control of use, shall remain with the member.

9.2 All images contributing to the final image must be the work of the member - clip art and other imagery derived from a commercial source is unacceptable, even if free of copyright, except when used in the creation of an entry in the Tandridge Creative Competition.

9.3 Tandridge Photographic Society accepts no liability for any breach of this rule by a member.

9.4 Tandridge Photographic Society reserves the right to reproduce, without payment, any image accepted for a competition or exhibition for publicity and promotion purposes, including use on Tandridge Photographic Society’s web site and social media sites.

9.5 Tandridge Photographic Society will take all reasonable care to protect competition and exhibition entries whilst they are in Tandridge Photographic Society’s possession. However, the Society will not accept liability for the misappropriation, loss or misuse of exhibition or competition entries.

10 Rules of the Society

10.1 These rules shall not be altered except at a General Meeting and then only if passed by a two-thirds majority of those present.

Tandridge Photographic Society

Approved at the AGM, May 2019