Join us at St Mary’s for an evening with Colleen Slater who has kindly stepped in as Viveca Koh has had to cancel at short notice due to illness.
Colleen Slater is a creative, macro photography specialist with an interest in the smaller things in life, whether insects – beetles, spiders, butterflies, moths and ladybirds – or flowers, her evocative, atmospheric and intimate images draw attention to the ordinary, often unnoticed things in the everyday world. Her latest images reveal close up details found in the urban environment.
"For some, it’s cheese rolling, bungee jumping or lawnmower racing. I get my kicks from going beneath the waves to take photos and it’s possibly the craziest thing I’ve ever done…especially at night, which is surreal – and even more exciting.
It can be breathtakingly beautiful beneath the waves. Drifting at neutral buoyancy through stunning scenery in a state of relaxed calm is a wonderful, joyous experience and feels like flying.
I’ll be talking about some of the amazing experiences I’ve had diving to take photographs - the dangers, difficulties and rewards.
Photos can be seen on my website in the MARINE galleries."